Your generous donations play a vital role in enabling us to continue our mission of creating exceptional choral experiences and making a lasting impact in our community. With your support, we are able to bring the joy of music to audiences through compelling performance, education, and music preservation. Donations contribute directly toward maintaining our music library, outreach, and production of performances, all of which include the cost of staff, venues, music, recording, advertising, and supplies. Thank you for helping ensure memorable experiences for our audiences and musicians.
Your donation is tax deductible provided you have not received any goods or services in exchange. Our EIN is 52-1362711. Contact your legal, tax, or financial advisor for eligibility and planning.
Give online
Below, use your credit card or bank account to give securely using Shopify or Paypal.
Give via mail or phone
Call our Managing Director at 202-364-1064 to process a credit card donation, or mail a check to PO Box 40511, Washington, DC 20016
Give through your employer
Double your impact with a match from your employer. Ask them about your options.
Give through a Donor Advised Fund
A DAF charitable savings account gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted, and you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction at the time you contribute to the account. Donors can contribute to the fund as often as they like.
Give through your retirement account
Consider naming us a beneficiary, or make a charitable rollover gift from your IRA without it being treated as a taxable distribution.
Give through securities
Transferring ownership of appreciated securities like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds could give you a charitable deduction for the full market value without capital gains taxes (subject to IRS deductible limitations).